Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I Never Read The Economist.

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"I never read The Economist (Management Trainee, Aged 42)", "E=iq2", "The majority of people don't get it.", "Is your dome worth a visit?" "Ignore obstacle.", "Brain Poster", "Rest your case", "Can I phone an Economist's reader please Chris?", "A poster should contain no more that eight words, which is the maximum the average reader can take in a single glance. This, however, is a poster for Economist readers.", "Retire early with a good read." are some of so many works of The Economist magazine. It's a long established campaign by agency called AMV BBDO in London. It's everywhere, from magazine, billboard, doormat, and many innovative media with striking power: WELL WRITTEN and RED, a white out of red ads.

It's garnered bucks of award metal around the globe. Now, after reading this amazing magazine (hey, make our brain bigger!), you can also read the book that tells the history of nurturing the brand. WELL WRITTEN AND RED is the title of the book. Amazon.com reviewed this book as 5 stars book in its category.

Written by one of Britain's most respected advertising copywriters, Alfredo Marcantonio, it celebrates the 15th anniversary of the first appearance of these eye catching and mould breaking 'White out of Red' billboards.

As an ex-Director of AMV BBDO, the Agency responsible, he paints a remarkably insightful picture, not only of the conception and development of the award-winning creative work, but also of the Agency/ Client relationship that has nurtured it.

Marcantonio weaves together the recollections of those actually involved, putting events into context or stressing their importance, by citing lessons he has learnt in his own distinguished career.

This is clearly a 'must-have publication' for advertising, marketing and media people. However, poster headlines like 'In real life the tortoise loses' mean that it will appeal to anyone who appreciates wit and style. Indeed, if you have ever wondered how advertising works this book describes the process in engaging detail.

Readers from outside the industry won't be fazed by the vagaries of the creative process described in this book. Instead, they may be surprised to discover the disciplined strategic thinking and tight advertising briefs that inspire it, and the way subtle shifts in emphasis have helped the campaign remain relevant in changing times.

This 224 page hardback and features 140 or more of the advertisements that have helped The Economist increase its UK circulation by 65% and its UK ad revenue by 250%. It is a testimony to the power of posters, confirmation that it can pay to advertise and proof that 'funny' need not be the enemy of 'money'.

Born in England but of Italian parentage, Alfredo Marcantonio began his advertising career as a client. Initially at Colt and then at Volkswagen.

Inspired by the work of Doyle Dane Bernbach, VW's agency, he quit his job as Head of Advertising to become a copywriter.

In the mid 70's he joined Collett Dickenson Pearce, then regarded as one of the most creative agencies in the world, and in 1981 he helped CDP's Frank Lowe and Geoff Howard-Spink to found Lowe Howard-Spink.

He resigned as Creative Director and Deputy Chairman in 1987 to run Wight Collins Rutherford Scott, adding his long name to its already lengthy title. When the agency was taken over by Eurocom, Marc ran BBDO until its merger with Abbot Mead Vickers.

With the merger came the opportunity to return to his first love, writing ads.

He went on to become Vice Chairman of AMV BBDO in London and Creative Vice President of BBDO in Italy.

In 1999 he joined Interpublic as Executive Creative Director of all General Motors' advertising produced by Lowe and McCann in Europe. More recently, Marc was Creative Director of the Italian office of the Italian office of Leagas Delaney, the small but highly creative British-based advertising agency group.

As a writer and creative director, he has been involved in the development of some of Britain's most successful and most popular advertising campaigns including Hamlet, Heineken, BMW and Carling Black Label.

Marc is co-author of 'Remember Those Great VW Ads?' which is now in its third edition and he was invited to contribute to 'The Copy Book', a highly regarded compilation that showcases the work of the world's best copywriters.

Monday, July 11, 2005

How proud is your proud?

This week, there's a task to make a PSA for one of cigarette brand. According to the brief to say one thing ".........." (can't be shared, hey it's a pitch). Regarding to that, we're trying to find out some insight about our country's independence day meaning. There's some question remained from the insight gathering made us ask to ourselves, "Hey, are you proud of being Indonesian or not? If yes, how proud is your proud?"
It's an open and unobligated question to be answered. Just reask yourself and think again :)

Say One Thing!

Throw someone one tennis ball and they'll catch it. Throw them six, and they'll drop them all.

It's You vs You!

It's you vs you who make everything real,
it's you vs you who make you big,
it's you vs you who make them all,
it's you vs you who make you be a loveable star or a competent jerk,
it's you vs you who say impossible is nothing,
it's you vs you who proud of yourself,
it's you vs you who keep on dreaming,
it's you vs you vs you vs you vs you who make it happen.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Who's The Greatest Indonesian Copywriter?

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Probably this is the most famous script for every of us here in Indonesia. Each year, we'll always hear this so-called script, gotcha, it's Indonesia's independence day script. Aired on radio, TV, written on many newspaper ad, being spoken everywhere during independence day.
Here is the original version of the script:


Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan dengan tjara seksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja.

Djakarta, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 1945

Atas nama bangsa Indonesia.

Soekarno/ Hatta.

Now imagine, at the period the script is being made. Indonesian advertising probably hasn't established well yet. But, interestingly, the structure of the copy has no weaknesses. It's strongly spoken, for the brand (newly born Republik Indonesia) thru many channels available. Not too long, it's launched all over the world. Imagine the copy behind, hmm imagine the creatives behind. Guess who's the one who write it? Probably they're the best copywriters in Indonesia ever.
Soekarno and Hatta created it well, Sayuti Melik rewrote it. If there were one giant agency realized how great their potential is, perhaps they're gonna hire them, paid them well, and perhaps they will win all great advertising award ever, perhaps, last but not least it's just a thought :)

Friday, July 01, 2005

Grrr... Welcome!

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Congratulations! Predictions has came true. Anyway, have you won the bet?
Wieden + Kennedy UK's "Grrr" ad for Honda has swept the board in Cannes, winning the Film and Titanium Grands Prix and the Film Journalists' Award. Two juries decide. Latest news from Cannes Advertising Festival.

According to Sean Thompson, Art Director and Copywriter for the ad, which launched last October in cinemas and on TV, it is not so much a commercial as a philosophy for life.

Honda's Chief Engine Designer, Kenichi Nagahiro, when told to design the company's first diesel motor, said he hated diesels because they were noisy and dirty, so he would be radical.

"We thought the word hate was very powerful and that hate could be a positive thing if it made things better," Thompson said.

He, Richard Russell and Michael Ruffoff wrote a song, Can Hate Be Good? Which they planned to sing on the ad, but then decided Garrison Keillor would sound better.

Then they turned to the visuals. And decided they needed animation to create a "hate world". Zenith won the pitch and spent five and a half months producing "what they described as Liberace's golf course-over-manicured and just too perfect, to reflect Hate World", Thompson said.

He added: "Advertising doesn't tend to go beyond the idea, but this ad does with a philosophy for life.

"We get some fantastic emails from people including one from a woman who runs a drug rehabilitation centre. She said the philosophy that hate can make things better was great for them to use and they asked for the DVD to show in therapy sessions."

The ad has brought an online game as well as a string of awards-rich compensation for W+K's disappointment in Cannes two years ago when its "Cog" ad for Honda failed to lift the top prize.

Leo's Wit & Wisdom #29

"Ideas alone enable a man to survive and flourish."

1 July, Joke Day

When i looked at the calendar on my friend's desk this morning, saw a funny unusual occasion written today. 1 July is the Joke Day. Don't know why and how the history of this started. Anyway, who in this world doesn't love joke? Joke is one of the great thing exist in the human life. So many character today, fictitious and non-fictitious live in a joke, say a joke, and act as a joker. Now i'm not joking, what the word "joke" really means?

The answer ain't a joke. One ensiclopedia defined "joke" seriously, really not joking :)
A joke is a short story or short series of words spoken or communicated with the intent of being laughed at or found humorous by the listener or reader. This sort of "joke" is not the same as a practical joke.

Laughter, the intended human reaction to jokes, is healthful in moderation, uses the stomach muscles, and releases endorphins, natural happiness-inducing chemicals, into the bloodstream. Jokes have been the subject of serious academic study, a notable example being Sigmund Freud's "Jokes and Their Relationship to the Unconscious". Marvin Minsky even suggests in Society of Mind that laughter has a specific function related to the human brain. In his opinion jokes and laughter are a mechanisms for the brain to learn Nonsense. For that reason, he argues, jokes are usually not as funny when you hear them repeatedly.

Most jokes contain two components: joke setup (for example, "A man walks into a bar...") and a punchline, which when juxtaposed with the setup provides the necessary irony to elicit laughter from the audience.

One of the most complete and informative books on different types of jokes and how to tell them is Isaac Asimov's Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humor, which encompasses several broad categories of humor, and gives useful tips on how to tell them, who to tell them to, and ways to change the joke to fit your audience.